Check out my QRPp WSPR setup and real-time Google map of who has heard and spotted me over the last week by clicking here.

Occasionally I will operate QRP mode radio to attempt long distance communications with as little radio power as possible. There is an entire community of people who enjoy this facet of the hobby and the challenge that low power radio offers. Some groups sponsor weekly competitions. In particular the QRP Fox Hunt group offers weekly events for about 1.5 hours on Tues. and Thurs. evenings on the 80m and 40m bands respectively. This is where one or two individuals employing very low power, transmit morse code and attempt to contact others who are in a search to find the FOX.

See my latest Fox Hunt analysis info for the winter 2011-12 season by clicking on Unofficial 80m QRP Fox Hunt 2011/12 winter season and Unofficial 40m QRP Fox Hunt 2011/12 winter season analysis links.

I’ve recently developed a User Defined Contest (UDC) template for the N1MM logger for use by those who participate in the QRP Fox Hunts (www.qrpfoxhunt.org). Check out my article and try out my new UDC for N1MM.

Listen to my operation as a Fox for an 80m operation during the Feb. 28, 2012 hunt here:

Feb. 2012 80m QRP Fox Hunt Audio

Listen to my operation as a Fox for an 80m operation during the Dec. 12, 2011 hunt here:

Dec. 2011 80m QRP Fox Hunt Audio

You can tune around the band as heard from my QTH to hear both myself and Drew K9CW operating and working the hounds. Listen to our operations as a Fox for an 80m operation during the Nov. 17, 2010 hunt here:

Nov. 2010 80m QRP Fox Hunt WebSDR recording

I operated twice as a FOX in the 80m QRP Fox hunt 2008/9 season. To see my log of contacts and hear my CW (morse code) operation as a FOX follow one of the following links:

Jan. 2009 80m QRP Fox Hunt Audio

Nov. 2008 80m QRP Fox Hunt Audio

Here is a link to my Unofficial 80m QRP Fox Hunt 2008/9 results. There you will find statistics and maps for both foxes and hounds who participated in this season’s events.

Here is a link to my Unofficial 40m QRP Fox Hunt 2008/9 results. There you will find statistics and maps for both foxes and hounds who participated in this season’s events.

Below are graphic analysis maps of the low power amateur radio FOXii who participated in the winter 2005/6 80 meter band FOX hunt. I generated these using a combination of home brew the PERL code and AZ_PROJ. There are 3 types of maps showing the US. One shows a single station with vectors pointing to the stations they worked. The destination of the vector is color coded to show how many stations they worked in that particular grid square. The second type of map shows the combined 2 hunt QSO totals for a FOX as a color density, showing the number of stations worked over the season in each grid square. The final type of map shows the two competing FOX stations vector maps super imposed, with one stations vectors in red, the other in blue. Click on one of the graphics below to enter the winter 2005/6 80m FOXii graphic analysis gallery.

Week 6 VA3NR N9NE - 2 Week Total QSO Density week3

To see my log of contacts and hear my CW (morse code) operation as a FOX from this 2005/6 event click on Dec. 2005 80m QRP Fox hunt.

To read more about the organization sponsoring the QRP Fox Hunts please click the following link www.qrpfoxhunt.org.

Other QRP operations of mine include an opportunity I had to spend time with fellow W3EAX / U. of Md. college member Jon KD3FG, one summer at his place out in Ocean City, Md. Click the picture below to see our QRP operation from the beach and sea side. Note the 20m wire wound vertical on top of the metal framed beach umbrella. I recall working Europe that day without difficulty on morse.


To read more about KD3FG and his radio adventures please click the following link Jon KD3FG.

1 Response to QRP

  1. Bone says:


    QRP fox hunting ?

    I earned 227/178 with 5 W RMS of my FT-817ND
    onto a G5RV at 21m high, as an inverted “V”.

    Who says that I need power ?

    PP5VX ( Bone )


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