Field Day with W4VA

I had the opportunity to operate in the ARRL Field Day this June with my local Fauquier Amateur Radio Assoc. I was captain of the VHF station and organized the construction and operation of that station. We had a tremendous 50 MHz band opening all day Saturday into Sunday morning, contacting over 400 stations all over the USA from New England, through the mid, north and south west and even out to the west coast and down into South America! Click the thumbnail below to see pictures of the VHF station as well as the other HF stations that were set up across the field in C.M. Crockett Park.

W4VA Field Day 2011

Direct album link

Below is a video of a 6 meter E-skip opening to New England with Rich K1HTV at the mic.

The video below is of Tom KG3V operating cw on the 15 meter band.

The next video is of Steve KW4H operating cw on the 40 meter band.

Finally here is a panoramic video of the Field Day site where we operated 3A VA, plus a VHF and GOTA station.


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1 Response to Field Day with W4VA

  1. KG3V says:

    Great shots Andy. The link worked fine for me. Thanks for posting them.

    The VHF station was a huge success. If not for that, we would have had a pretty sad score for our team.



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