Category Archives: VHF Roving
K1RA @ K8GP Rover June VHF 2014
This past June I again had the opportunity to rove with Terry W8ZN. We had last roved in the ARRL Jan. VHF SS contest and had a great time and scored very well. Since the K8GP Grid Pirates Contest Group … Continue reading
K1RA @ K8GP Rover Jan VHF SS 2014
I’m celebrating 35 yrs since I made my first SSB/CW VHF contest QSOs back as a young WB1ALW and KA1GD back in CT. This year I was fortunate enough to be able to rove with Terry W8ZN in this past … Continue reading
K1RA @ W1RT Rover ARRL September VHF 2012
Please check out my article capturing the adventures of K1RA @ W1RT Rover in the ARRL Sept 2012 VHF contest by clicking here.
K1RA 144 MHz ESkip
I was fortunate enough to catch a 2m ESkip opening on the evening commute home Tues. July 24 from about 630p to 8p local. Many locals in the Va/D.C./Md area were on from fixed locations working the opening. Locals K1HTV, … Continue reading