K1RA @ W1RT Rover Sept 2011 VHF Contest

Check out the untold story of the adventures of John W1RT and Andy K1RA in the ARRL September 2011 VHF contest. Click the picture below to read more and see the pictures and videos of that weekend’s event.

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CW QRP Foxhunts

I’ve been participating in this winter season’s 80m CW QRP Foxhunt as both a fox and a hound. The event occurs every Tues. night from 0200-0330 GMT between 3550-3570 kHz. Two stations (foxes) are designated to transmit and the rest (hounds) are poised to attempt and contact the two foxes within the 90 minute time window. More info can be found at the QRPFoxhunt web site or their QFOX Yahoo Group. I’ve been collecting fox contact logs for both the 80m and 40m events and plotting various statistics on Google maps. Check out my 80m analysis and my 40m analysis pages for some interesting graphics.

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Field Day with W4VA

I had the opportunity to operate in the ARRL Field Day this June with my local Fauquier Amateur Radio Assoc. I was captain of the VHF station and organized the construction and operation of that station. We had a tremendous 50 MHz band opening all day Saturday into Sunday morning, contacting over 400 stations all over the USA from New England, through the mid, north and south west and even out to the west coast and down into South America! Click the thumbnail below to see pictures of the VHF station as well as the other HF stations that were set up across the field in C.M. Crockett Park.

W4VA Field Day 2011

Direct album link

Below is a video of a 6 meter E-skip opening to New England with Rich K1HTV at the mic.

The video below is of Tom KG3V operating cw on the 15 meter band.

The next video is of Steve KW4H operating cw on the 40 meter band.

Finally here is a panoramic video of the Field Day site where we operated 3A VA, plus a VHF and GOTA station.


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Virginia QSO Party 2011

This February, with some help from John KX4O, I created and presented a PowerPoint slide show for my local Fauquier Amateur Radio Assoc. The presentation centered on the upcoming 2011 Virginia QSO Party. It covered general information including dates and times, rules and categories and contest exchanges and scoring. Also covered was past performance of the FARA club and its members for the various competition categories that were entered. Finally, some contest ‘hints & kinks’ were presented to give members an idea what to do pre-contest, contest weekend and post-contest to ensure they were prepared for the upcoming radio event.

If you missed the meeting or would like to download and review the PowerPoint presentation (6MB) please visit my W4VA page here and see the presentation links at the bottom of the page.

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